Quick Business Model Check-up
Lorem Ipsum
We know; it's often easy, maybe even unavoidable to fall in love with a product or a new feature idea. We all do it from time to time even we know we shouldn't.
But especially, when doing it for the first time, many people often require to have the support and feedback of an objective 3rd eye to evaluate the business case or the market dynamics to make the product idea actually work.
This is why we designed the "Quick Business Model Check-Up" Service, a one-day workshop where we help you making sure asking the right questions about your business model.
During the workshop we use the Lean Startup framework & the Business Model Canvas and we strive to answer some really hard questions like "who exactly is your customer", "what is the problem you're solving" and "what is the benchmark CaC/CLV of the selected business model".
PS: We are always amazed with the insights, ideas and extremely quick progress we make running this workshop.
Do you think this workshop can be something your organization and product would benefit from?