before you sprınt

Tailor-Made UX Training

One Day Training for Your Product!

One Day Training for Your Product

A one day training that brings theory and practical knowledge together, while being
completely tailored to the needs of your product.

Tailored to You

Completely based on your needs.

Focused on Developing Your Product

At the end of the day, you will have received
dozens of helpful advice on your product.

Theory and Practical Knowledge

You will learn more about UX principles and work on your product
UX Training

We analyze the user experience your product offers and tailor the training’s fundamental user experience principles to your product’s existing interface. Within the one day training, we also focus on how these principles can be further integrated into your life and create a UX to-do list for you.
After the one week offline theory training, we will be doing UX projects online for a month. In this training, where we will be covering real life cases, we will be joined by experts on user experience, who will be delivering training.